I mean, seriously
Proxies act as intermediaries between clients and servers, they can perform processing
or just forward requests downstream.
They come in many flavours
- Database proxies
- TCP proxies
- HTTP proxies (the ones we'll focus today)
Why bother?
- SSL termination
- Connection management
- Protocol upgrade/downgrade
- Security, auditing, load balancing, caching, compression and so many more
HTTP proxies!
They're much more complicated than you think
Correctly handle hop-by-hop headers
- Proxy-*
- Upgrade
- Keep-Alive
- Transfer-Encoding
Forward original client headers
- X-Forwarded-Proto
- X-Forwarded-Host
- Transfer-Encoding: chuncked
- Large Content-Length values
But be careful with impossible situations
You can't both have a Content-Length and
Transfer-Encoding: chuncked
at the same time.
Assume the worst
CloudFlare and CloudBleed? Yup, been there, done that.
Respect Cache-Control
Or try, at least.
Careful with buffers
Do not read data without bounds from request bodies,
make sure you're buffering and have clear limits on how much
memory or connections you can use.
Be specific on your errors
- No chuncked support? Return
411 Length Required
- Request does not contain authentication details?
401 Unauthorized
- Request contains authentication but creds are invalid?
403 Forbidden
Use a Via
header to define the source of responses
Log everything, log nothing
- Some headers are sensitive
- Some request bodies are sensitive
- Carefully select the information you want to log
Why are the fine folks at DigitalOcean building a proxy?
Our lovely monolith needs to die
In a huge fire
Edge Gateway comes to the rescue
- Routing
- Authentication
- Logging
- Rate limiting
- Health checking
No batteries included
- All communication is over HTTP and headers
- Downstream services do not depend on the proxy
- Proxy receives service registration requests and directs traffic to them
- No libraries to depend on
- No lockstep deployments or circular dependencies
- HTTP is open ended, parsing bodies is still under service implementors
- Services still have to manage their own HTTP servers
What did we look at?
- Vulcan
- FastHTTP
- Go's std HTTP server
- Gorilla HTTP stack
Gorilla won
- Fast enough
- Nice integration between router and mux
- Websockets implementation was a plus
Why not use a packaged solution?
- Most other solutions are hard to customize (Luascript or Nodejs scripting)
- Go is the main language being used internally now, so JVM based solutions
wouldn't make much sense
- Easier to integrate with existing internal infrastructure services
Filter based design
- Request arrives
- Is matched against a specific route
- Goes through the configured collection of before filters
- Is sent to the backend service
- Goes through the configured after filters
- Delivers response to client
Dead simple
type Filter interface {
Name() string
type BeforeFilter interface {
BlacklistedHeaders() []string
DoBefore(context context.Context) BeforeFilterError
type AfterFilter interface {
DoAfter(context context.Context) AfterFilterError
Disable URL cleaning
- On Gorilla
- Don't use
What about the proxy client side?
Limit everything
Go's HTTP client defaults are pretty awful
client: &http.Client{
Timeout: clientTimeout,
Transport: trace.HTTPTransport(&http.Transport{
Dial: dialer.Dial(),
DialContext: dialer.DialContext(),
TLSHandshakeTimeout: tlsHandshakeTimeout,
ResponseHeaderTimeout: responseHeaderTimeout,
ExpectContinueTimeout: time.Second,
MaxIdleConns: int(maxIdleConns),
DisableCompression: true,
CheckRedirect: func(req *http.Request, via []*http.Request) error {
return http.ErrUseLastResponse
Got a response? Close it!
response, err := h.client().Do(request)
if response != nil && response.Body != nil {
defer func() {
io.Copy(ioutil.Discard, response.Body)
Health checking?
- Don't reuse connections
- Set the user-agent header
- Timeouts, don't forget the timeouts
- Rails app that requires HTTPS? Remember to allow for header overrides
- Log the actual error if it fails
Have metrics
- How granular? Service level? Route level?
- Be careful with URL based metrics in Restful services (/droplets/1)
- How do we account for timeouts?
The proxy is always to blame
- The proxy is broken!
- The service is broken!
- I don't know what is broken!
Make sure troubleshooting is easy
Limit connections
Go's standard dialer and HTTP client does not limit connections,
you can run out of file handles if you don't limit them.
How is it going?
- Serves almost all traffic into DO properties
- Logs, metrics and dashboards to all properties behind it
- Lacks comprehensive documentation and examples
- Very little performance impact